Why do we exist?

The purpose of the Trusts is to improve health and wellbeing outcomes for Bulls and wider district residents. Respectfully networking across a wide range of agencies, community groups, businesses, and residents we share the knowledge of others and the voices of our Bulls community who participate in key planning objectives and outcomes. Bringing together our collective local knowledge, wisdom, and strengths, we shape bright and bold futures for all residents. Our community-led development programme and events brings hope that anything is possible when we work together.


Harnessing potential from within.


By drawing from past lessons, we build connections for future generations, harnessing their strengths, hearing their stories, celebrating our diversity.


  • To co-design, develop and deliver a community profile with Key  stakeholders, agencies
    and local government.
  • Develop stronger networks with  ommunity groups and partnering agencies that stimulate community-led development and community wellbeing.
  • Develop a model around social, health, wellbeing, cultural, economic, environment and positive youth development, identifying areas of need with an Action Plan that benefits the Bulls community.
  • Work with the Bulls community to promote Bulls as a great place to live, work, play, raise a family and own a business in.
  • Support effective volunteering for the benefit of individuals and the Bulls community.
  • We acknowledge the Treaty of Waitangi and its principles and the importance of Māori as

Great People. Amazing Community.

The Bulls and District Community Trust Governing Body

Helen Scully

Board Chair

Gaylene Simpson


Mike O'Byrne


Kim Shearer


Ellen Mcsweeny


Cliff Brown

Iwi Representative

Annabel Whisker

Danelle Whakatihi


Heidi Macaulay
